




2024欧洲杯竞猜 (SPS) is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 School Leader Principal and Assistant Principal Pool.

学校领导池将于2024年5月31日下午3点关闭 5 p.m. 太平洋标准时间.

The School Leader Pool(s) is the first step in determining if an applicant is eligible to apply for Site-Based Leader openings at 2024欧洲杯竞猜 (SPS). 如果你有兴趣成为SPS的学校领导, 您必须首先通过我们的学校领导池申请.


  • 费尔蒙特公园
  • 金博
  • McGilvra


  • 汉密尔顿国际
  • 华盛顿


  • 富兰克林

To learn more about a specific school, please visit our School Directory.




To be eligible for selection to a Principal or Assistant Principal position, 必须完成主牌照的核实工作.


  • A valid 华盛顿 State Administrator Certificate or be in the process of obtaining a 华盛顿 State Administrator certificate before the date of hire.
  • Applicants should have experience in a 领导人hip capacity within a public or private school system and a minimum of three (3) years of successful certificated school experience.
  • 至少三年以上教学经验(优先考虑).
  • 优秀的口头和书面沟通能力.
  • 校长候选人, at least three years of experience as a principal or assistant principal (preferred).

All Administrators hired must have a 华盛顿 State Administrator Certification 2024年7月1日之前.

In most cases, an out-of-state administrative certificate will apply in 华盛顿 State.

Information about the certification processes for 华盛顿 State.



2024欧洲杯竞猜(SPS), we are working to dramatically improve academic and life outcomes for Students of Color by disrupting the legacies of racism in our educational system. SPS is committed to developing a culturally responsive workforce so 老师, 领导人, 工作人员可以有效地支持学生和家庭. 了解更多关于SPS战略计划和劳动力目标.

We value, support, and have the highest expectations of our school 领导人. School 领导人hip is second only to teaching in its effect on student learning. 因为我们相信学生, 老师, and parents are worthy of highly skilled and effective school 领导人, SPS recruits and invests in school 领导人hip with the expectation that 领导人 improve and support the performance of adults in service of student learning.

Prospective school 领导人hip applicants will 演示 the following SPS Leadership Attributes:

  • 倡导并践行公平愿景
  • 优先考虑基于协作的数据
  • 培养教学技能
  • 为公平调整资源
  • 建立牢固的战略伙伴关系
  • 我们希望我们的领导人得到指导, 演示, and be committed to the following professional standards: Equity, 成人学习, 尊重, 的关系, 卓越, 反思与行动.
开创者校长,博士. 布兰妮福尔摩斯
McGilvra校长. 玛丽亚Breuder
桑顿溪校长,Gerrit Kischner
桑顿溪校长,Gerrit Kischner
奥运山校长,Mayra Toledo
奥运山校长,Mayra Toledo
马丁·路德·金. 校长,帕特里夏·内斯比特
马丁·路德·金. 校长,帕特里夏·内斯比特
中心学校校长,杨志强博士. 芭芭拉·凯西
中心学校校长,杨志强博士. 芭芭拉·凯西
麦当劳国际校长Zoe Facilla
麦当劳国际校长Zoe Facilla


Maybe you’re wondering what it’s like to live and work in Seattle? 也许你对西雅图很熟悉,也许你从未去过. 但是,你可能想知道的是它到底是什么样子的?

We asked around to share with potential school 领导人 the unvarnished truth. 感谢学校领导分享你们的声音:

  • 桑德拉·麦基,卡斯卡迪亚小学校长
  • 威廉·杰克逊.D,内森黑尔高中校长
  • 莎拉·普里切特,人力资源助理总监
  • Anita koyer - mwamba,黑人研究项目经理
内森·黑尔校长. 威廉•杰克逊
内森·黑尔校长. 威廉•杰克逊

“Being a leader in Seattle is both a privilege and an opportunity. Since I grew up in Seattle, I carry a responsibility to represent my community and my city. 我很幸运有这个机会. 虽然有时会有挑战, 能够集中我们学生的声音, 主要是黑人和棕色人种的学生, 并与工作人员合作, 家庭, 这是我不会轻易接受的.”


“Being a leader in 2024欧洲杯竞猜 has been a dynamic opportunity. Knowing that what I do ultimately impacts the success of our students is priceless. 这工作不容易, 它是快节奏的, challenging and complex but the rewards of being a part of one of the best districts in the state makes it all worth it.”


“Being a leader at 2024欧洲杯竞猜 provides many opportunities for growth. 有些机会比其他机会更受欢迎. The most welcome are those that allow for my voice to be heard and included. Leadership works best for me in the role of serving others and co-creating beneficial strategies and initiatives that move our strategic plan forward.”

Anita koyer - mwamba,黑人研究项目经理

2024欧洲杯竞猜, unlike other urban districts I have worked for has an intentional focus on 领导人 of color. SPS recruits, mentors, and supports the advancement of 领导人 of color. The district understands the impact of positive outcomes for students when they are taught and lead by adults who look like them.”


“Seattle has been relentless in its focus on equity, and students furthest from educational justice. We have identified our areas of focus and remained steadfast in our commitment to racial justice and high quality education for every student.”


“I think working and leading in a large urban school district always comes with challenges, everything from understanding the complexity of the many communities that make up Seattle to understanding all of the unique polices and procedures that govern our work”


“Most people would be surprised by the different types of diversity found at all levels of 领导人hip in Seattle: Gender, 比赛, 性取向, 和种族.”


“领导. 很多校长, 助理校长助理, 区级内阁领导, 负责人, 就连地区管理人员都是有色人种, 其中很多是黑人领袖.”


“I think that people who are not from Seattle may not realize how diverse we really are.”


“The breadth of diversity categories and indicators across religion, class, 比赛, 性别, 能力等.”

Anita koyer - mwamba,黑人研究项目经理

“The community of 领导人 are welcoming and supportive of new 领导人. 西雅图的任何领导者都愿意帮助新来者. 拿起电话问问就行了.”


“Seattle is a beautiful city full of amazing people, places to go and food to eat. You are within two hours from the ocean and an hour away from mountains. 对于喜欢户外活动的人来说,有很多事情可以做, from hiking to biking and camping and there are a ton of restaurants for foodies and amazing sports teams and venues for those that are into sports.”


“My favorite part of Seattle are the unique neighborhoods with access to lakes, trails, and parks. 你可以在几英里内享受户外活动.”


“I love Seafair, the parades, festivals, Blue Angels and hydroplane 比赛s are amazing.”


“Communion和Island Soul是我最喜欢的餐厅.”

Anita koyer - mwamba,黑人研究项目经理

“We are always looking for dynamic people to be a 领导人 in one of the best districts in the state! 我们欢迎你加入我们的团队!”
